Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sweet Boondi

Besan(gram flour):1 cup
Sugar:3/4 cup
Cardamom powder:1/2 tspn
Oil for frying

Make a paste of besan using water.Check the consistency of the batter by pouring it through a perforated spoon.The batter should pour down as small droplets.If it is not,then add more water.Do not make the batter very thin.To make sugar syrup,Take sugar in a vessel and pour 1 cup water and bring to boil.Simmer the flame and keep it on the stove as such,till the syrup becomes thick.Keep it aside.Heat oil in a deep pan and pour the besan batter through the perforated spoon ,holding the spoon a little above the hot oil.Stir the boondis gently until it becomes crispy.Take out the boondis and remove the excess oil using tissue paper.Once it gets cooled,add to the syrup and keep it in the syrup for 5 minutes.Take the boondis out of the syrup and spread on a plate.Add cardamom powder and mix well.Allow to cool completely.Boondis are ready to serve.

1 comment:

Tina said...

its my fav dear....yummyyyyyyyyyy

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